Material Handling
Bulk material handling is simply a transference of material from one place to another, but the details in choosing which screw, drag, and belt conveyors, as well as bucket elevators, is the key to long term high-performance solutions.

Peak Production with Difficult Materials
Our material handling services started in middle Georgia during the 1940s - one of the most prevalent time periods and locations for the mining industry.
Conveyor Design
How you move materials from point A to point B touches every part of your bottom line, from available personnel to power bills to available square footage. It all starts with an assessment, followed by superior strategy.
Screw, Drag, Bucket & Belt
How you move your materials is entirely dependent on the materials themselves - and the physical way they interact with your conveyor. Alongside design and layout, we’ll guide you on what conveyor works best and where.
Our Strategic Partners
B&D Industrial partners with the foremost manufacturers, suppliers, and certifying bodies in the industry.